D.E1 Chapter 68: The Last Cry of the Evocanis Part II

He ran a scan of the area to find any possible way to escape. while his compod ran the scan, he kept an eye at his surroundings. he was tired, hurt, confused and afraid.

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The Looming Threat

Still, that very possibility cannot be ignored. - let's all hope it won't come to that. you know, despite your meager appearance, you seem to know plenty of things.

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Rising Tide - Part 6 - STORY

That doesn't include the possibility there may already be several ships waiting for them in sapphire cove."

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Der-ra-jin Ch1 The Mistakes of Destiny

"good lords of talaan; of all the possible species to offer themselves for der-ra-jin, a species , even one captured against its will, on the other side of the abyss is the greatest der-ra-jin ever possible. dare i say that this stinks of irony?"

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Leonard Wolfe Biography

Though physically more able than most felineko still prefers to hang back and use nono where possible.

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The Cry of Stars

It is because he made me the way i am to overcome that which i believe is possible. the impossible would not be the way it is without first considering the possible.

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This is because the mind seeks truth to the world it perceives in the unlimited possibilities that are the universe.

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The King's Company: Chapter Four: The Door to Destiny

However, whether or not rengar thought about it, tobi intended to make this as easy as possible, and dealing with the bandits was just not part of that.

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Trying to climb as gently as possible while still avoiding fire, she could occasionally hear a bullet bounce off the tx-21's plated armor.

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TftTB: The House

"possible," the fox mused. "now, turning things around: do you think the depression was a factor in the declining relationship?" levi stopped mid-sip. "huh. never really occurred to me. it's possible, yeah.

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 17)

He thought to himself for a moment, he knew that it didn't have to come to this, but something had to be done before any others considered blindly leaping into what could possible be parenthood.