Arc 5 Chapter 3: The City of Art
One slip is all it takes, and your hide could be flayed from your body before you blink. i got the scar to prove it."
Witchcraft and Wings
The trouble with flaying an animal for power is that its body is obviously disfigured, and therefore hard to dispose of.
Children of the Earth and Sky 11 - The Monster Within
The knight lost his ground, forced onto his back heel as james forced him down with both sword and shield that he used to hammer from above, flaying his beloved with tears from his eyes in a constant sobbing scream.
Code Magus
The fish floated out of the pot and flayed itself on a cutting board. it was gutted efficiently and the bones were thrown out with the guts. "let's eat." master brought a small table meant for sitting on the floor.
Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale (Complete)
"this warren looks like its overcrowded and as such i don't think there is enough flay to go about, what with not being allowed to eat pellets, i don't see how many rabbits get enough to eat." he went quiet as he looked at hawk.