Scott's Remote | Chapter 4

If there was a breast feeding, a significantly stronger dose of a sleeping drug would be mixed in the mixture. within all feedings there would be moderate dosages of diuretics.

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New Horse In Town

Grit for the chickens, sack of sweet feed, some timothy hay, sam had the usual supplies in stock.

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Lore- Energies of the body

She can feed on the energy from that gateway with no ill effects to the mother or the child and from it gain a full lifetime's worth._ _she would not tell me how she feed on life energy and my on experiments have been fruitless._ _adam bodkin, warlock


Mesozoic Park (Part 7)

feed the... animals" i stood and said "when they hatch, i am the first living thing they see...

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Farm Maid

She fed them chicken feed, she fed the sheep sheep feed, and duck feed. she enjoyed it and was happy. she returned home and didn't stay at home very long. she thought "i must see those animals again!" she visitted the barn to feed the chickens.

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Soul Harvesters: Manual

They must be placed in a space with perfect conditions for hatching, otherwise they'll spoil, rendering them useless, not even worth feeding on. only one broodfather is born from every few clutches.

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Weapon – Transparent

I cut off the link and turned off the screen feed. the live feed comments were going ballistic.


david's college days part twenty eight

It was good one too it had a living place for david and sarah and also had a two horses bay and with feeding nets and water butts it looks nice.

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Demon Castle Digitalpotato - Intro

They do not feed off of mortal flesh. they do not feed off of your own soul. they feed off of other things. there are loads of corridors and hallways hidden within here. what you see is not always what is there. who you meet may not always be there.

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Simply Hypnotic

"they feed what is given to them even if it's not good for them. they're just like us. they're eating to survive." did this man get closer to you?

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Random wolf tf story

He crouches even lower, already preparing to pounce on the man and feed himself; but in some corner of his mind, his subconscious is stopping him, creating a conflict in his mind. _i just want to feed right now..._ but that thing is alive!

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The Sudden Strike

Many had recommended her to train in the feeding area, but she always refused, saying that she doesn't needed any training. not only that, but she always ate outside the feeding area, and out of everyone's sight.

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