Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 77
Surrounded by empty shells wearing shoddy meatskins and fake smiles!" ander's world had become drastically simplified.
Cloricia vs Erik 1
She tried to fake him out, but he didn't fall for it. she then tried to dribble past him, but erik stood his ground. the two ended up bumping into each other and cloricia felt the full blow.
Of Fox and Wolf Chapter 2: Tears
Everything around you, from the walls, to the doors and even your tail, it's all fake." the fox could not believe his ears. "it's all fake? how would that even be possible?
Abandoned Story - Virtual Story WIP
A fake life in a fake world, but one the brain couldn't tell the difference. as far as the user was concerned they didn't know hunger or disease and lived in an unlimited world.
Zootopia:Guardian Spirits Chapter 1
Jason said but nick showed a fake hurt impression." well now talk about hurting my feeling!"nick said fake hurt jason rolled his eyes." uncle nick stop fake impression!"jason said nick chucked." nick chucked."
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 106
Day after day we're forced to breathe the same, stale air, eat the same, bland food, and talk to the same, fake people and pretend to actually care about what they're saying back. but i can fix that, little foxy.
It's Called Mini Golf
But then again, the inventors of golf probably wouldn't have approved of windmills and fake animals either. so it was probably a bit late to start considering their opinions now. "okay me first!"
Different Tales
I've heard of this happening before you know, but wearing a fake tail however makes you a toy, it's a good tail though. you look practically real from a distance."
Monsters of Plantet
| **anonymous **** input** (**fake names**): sozof: "try to imagine this; what if ecf-6b could be tamed, or at least trained?
Feel good!
Feel content every once and a while, distract yourself from stress and sorrow, fake a smile, eventually it will get there, you think it's all going south but then something great happens, or it doesn't but c'mon!
Feel Me as I Feel You (a poem)
I'm learning to reject the fake. so keep touching me. touch me all you want since you're real. i love you.
Poem #59: Heal
_heal_ feel the colors of flowing time never spend dollar nor dime cannot escape what's fake or real drink in dark fire and heal let the words thicken me strengthen this resounding plea emblem on the page will seal drink in black liquid and heal