Instincts of Justice Chapter 5: Struggle for Integrity

He told them that the slave ring had been established about a year ago and that most of the slaves were brought into the city by ship.

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Neopian Takeover

He gritted his teeth and stood there while blood trickled through his fur and down his sides just underneath the sack clothing all slaves wore.

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Chapter 2: A Tale

Many of its inhabitants through countless years have been former slaves, and even its founder, a mouse by the name of samuel, was a slave for part of his life."

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Careful, very long and may bore some Made this years ago no one has ever appreciated it Its about my first Lover THe Snake

He was a slave of the snake, and he had escaped from its slave camp. suddenly he heard a twig crack and the man whirled around there was nothing there.

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Be My Master

"you're suppose to get yur first personal slave today, so it's to teach your slave disapline." "speaking of which," another said, "where is your slave? should you have him attending you, like a personal slave should?"

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The Rise of The hero of Galorian

I saw nothing but slaves... no more masters... no more whips... no more nightmares. and i screamed once more, i screamed in victory raising my bloodstained sword high into the air. the slaves no... the men.

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The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll Episode Twelve: Informer

He believes that devlin mythryll's co author might be the slave that very slave. rygar came up with the idea to have devlin mythryll write more books about the subject of slavery in space.

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The Pride - Chapter 7

Their influence and power got a new law passed where they could have furs that were more or less slaves, but had more freedom that the previous generation of slaves. basically it was a signed agreement between the wealthy and the slaves."

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Neko City2040 (Bio's)

Love's being a sex slave to anyone. he is owned by miss. zuki tenoha.

Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 37

Then you can make her your slave or refuse to take her as your slave. if you refuse to take her as your slave, no warrior from talo-vy can make her his slave. after this, i want you to fulfill my promise to tyarza and take her home.

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A RedQuest Tale - Chapter 7 (clean)

"i am going to go visit the castle with blackthorn and that otter slave i pulled from you the other day. but this is what i want you to do, but keep blackthorn and the slaves out of it."

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Clown Mare 5-3

Which slaves shall go?" dragonfly looked to her right. "what say you veilios my dear slave. pick one to stay, who shall it be?" veilios wondered in her thick skull of hers. "what will happen to the rest if i may ask?"