The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter1
Act 2: The Spreading Darkness Chapter 1: A Mother's Lament I have to say, though the thought of sleep sounded inviting at first, extremely inviting, I seriously doubted that I'd be able to fall asleep at all; I simply had too much on my mind....
The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act1/Chapter5
Act 1: Armageddon Chapter 5: The Good Die Young While The Neutral Soldier On "Time to run, right?!" I yelled in question. Oh, I already knew the answer. Always the quick response, Ed thundered, "Sounds good to me! You two make your way to...
The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act1/Chapter4
Act 1: Armageddon Chapter 4: Running Away (To Fight Again Someday) Well, as I'd expected, the parking garage was indeed filled to the brim with former friends. Sadly, though I had fond memories of some of them, at least three, maybe more; they...
The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act1/Chapter1
I'd be a liar if i tried to tell you that i looked good for my age, a strapping 38.
Golden Age: chapter 7: the Self-aware Hound
#8 of golden age as a writer, i'm not supposed to pick favorites. i pick laelaps anyways. he's so fun to write! if you thought that just because i'm trying to be more serious, i can't have fun, think again.
Fall of man dawn of a new age Chapter 6
Fall of man dawn of a new age chapter 6 joe tells a shrink his life story "tell me, mr. marsh about yourself?" a black lab said looking at joe. it's monday around 12:15 in the afternoon. dr.
Thane of Hearts -a viking age mystery, Part I
To me, all grown-ups look old but mother said that rafn had lived some twenty-five summers, but that he seemed older than his age - and looked unwell. he never dined with the rest of us, but preferred to return to his cabin and eat alone.
Marks Little Brother 4
By the time cody had another diaper on mark, mark looked about seven "what age will he stop at" asked owen staring at mark "i don't know about two or three" cody stopped just enough to hear the front door close "uh oh owen your moms home" "we better hurry
Eggceptional Vacation Get Away: Hayati
The knight moved quickly for his age, and paid no mind to how hard it was for the young griffin not to fall to his doom.
Eggceptional Get Away: Nystre
Eggceptional Get Away: Nystre Nystre felt a sudden sense of panic as they woke up. It was completely dark and cramped wherever they were. They tried to squirm and move around but found walls around them. They couldn't see, they couldn't move, they...
Adam & Greg 4
The smell of urine fills Greg's nose as he shifts his weight in bed he slowly opens his eyes as he rolls over. His fur brushes by a soft material as his eyes come to level with the white fabric in his face. "Adam?" Greg says as he sniffs again taking...
1000 Years in the Making Part 2
Unlike her, whom had only arrived near the edge of this time period history would come to know as the ice age, he had lived through it and beyond.