Soren ~ Chapter 01
Sitting at her desk in her office, checking work related e-mails, soren's head turned sideways to face the open door. her husband didn't come in. instead she heard the bathroom door shutting and shortly after the shower turning on.
Good Enough (From the Shadows)
And those suspicions seemed to be confirmed when warren saw him write the e-mail address. perfectly loopy and precise. "is this okay...?" the ot--james--asked.
Devin the Rebel (Diapers)
Actually, he e-mailed me earlier asking about the brand of diapers i use. i told him, and he said he ordered some." devin kneeled down to the floor beside his bed. he flipped up the bed skirt, and fished for something that was under the bed.
Foresight and luck part 10: Trouble in paradise
He opened his laptop and logged one. 14 new e-mail. 1 request to join your network. the notifications popped up as soon as he logged on. then one second later: avalar says: long time no talk. how ya been?
First Time's The Charm
Potential first date, i sent a picture of him to your e-mail account. : ) sadie. x jack just paused.
The Ashchu and Pikachu Series
Leave a review or e-mail me with comments, suggestions, etc.
My Story....part 2
As i started finishing off the game i went on msn and started talking to anyone who wasn't away for the holiday like my girlfriend kairi, who would properly dump me once she found out but i just tried not to think of that as much as i answered her e-mails
Fav Teacher Chapter 4: New House Guests
Well got any praise, hate mail, or suggestions please e-mail me at [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) thanks. shout out to all my freinds! p.s.
Chapter Four
The last thing he did before going to calm his mate, was to send off an e-mail with an offer of help to oscar, along with his condolences for his loss.
The Beginning of A Bad Thing
For the past five days, she'd been receiving phone calls, getting letters and e-mails on her personal computer, trying to get her to stop her research.
Mike and Kimone Find Love
Tells of the war going on in the middle east that the media skews as "unessicary and unethical" "they killed hundreds of our people on our home soil, don't you dare talk about unethical" mike growls and switches it to the discovery channel as he checks his e-mail
Sea Dawgs Chapter One: Sowaway
If anyone has any...please e-mail them to me.