I'd sell my soul for talent; for the ability to weave my words around my audience's mind, infecting their memories with haunting visions of fantasies unbridled. I'd sell my soul for beauty; for the ability to steal the breath from my...
Be Careful What You Wish For As It Can Come True chapter one
Chu chu wished for a baby friend so the wishing dragon granted that wish by visiting the mom of chu chu and said your baby wants a baby friend so i'll have a friend of mine come over to play with your baby.
not a day goes bye
#2 of poems for my loving boyfriend not a day goes bye that i don't wish i could look you in the eye not a day goes past that i don't try to make every second with you last not a day goes away that i don't wish you could stay and play i
Merry Christmas!
Sending all of you warmth and love this holiday season, and a horrible bit of word play: Sam Worthington's character in Avatar: Way of Water, smiling. Feliz Na'vi Dad. That is all.
Long Distance Wish
Flying It seems So easy Such a sweet Dream it must be Being together Loving arms Sweet eyes His graceful touch Oh what a pleasure That would be To be there Although We are separated By time and space We shall...
Tails Wish Chapter 2: The Legend
At first glance he thought it was just junk, but in a dream a spirit told him that the stone he had was a wish granting stone and had the power to grant a person one wish.
Tails Wish Chapter 1: Tails Grief
Well, here's my first chapter of my new comic "tails wish." it felt like a long time since the gang helped cosmo save the galaxy from the evil metarex and as the planets wounds began to slowly heal. everyone's lives returned to normal.
Death's Master. Chapter One. (Terror's of War.)
"as you wish vincent." he smiled, helping the man up as they searched for his lover's body. "here she is." felo called out, waiting for the man to join him. finally the squirrel joined him, laying down with his lover.
Tails Wish Chapter 4: The Stone of Hopes and Dreams
Amy-now hurry up and make your wish already! tails-right...stone, i wish- just before tails could make his wish a familiar voice came from above. eggman-not so fast! everyone looked up and saw a giant ship above them. sonic-eggman!
The Wish
What if by this odd chance, and this is out of the blue; you where allowed any single wish, and that one wish would come true. would you ask for money, for wealth and success? or would you chose prosperity, health, just ask for a bless?
Black and White – Chapter 4: Fair game.
"what did you wish for?"
Tails Wish Chapter 5: The Spirit Of The Stone
-no your wish is more than pure enough, but a wish to bring a person back from the dead takes more than one person to grant. tails-what do you mean? ???-i mean, you and your friends have to all wish for her to come back.