On the Mountaintop Away From the Storm

Have got plenty of time to kill the view is even more incredible up here and i'll continue to admire it till i've had my fill then i choose to look to the horizon and see the storm clouds we left behind they actually look majestic from this viewpoint

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New Viewpoints

The next morning I follow my normal routine when I wake up on a non council day, I went into the complex's kitchen and set up a pot of tea to enjoy while reading a book till I needed to wake the children for their lessons. Today they were to start...

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Writing Tips vol. 3

If it's a smaller, personal, emotional battle, perhaps keeping it at a single viewpoint is better. one final note on perspective: having your viewpoints switch during a sex scene can serve you very well.

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As you know Bob, show don't tell: Srsly (7 shows, no tells!)

In a novel where you're writing in what is now a popular viewpoint - close third person - you are trying to write from your character's shoulder. "john walked down the street, hating every step.

Welcome To Equestria

* * * ~~~~viewpoint: princess celestia~~~~ * * * "hmm...? what might this be? it's almost time for me to rest and twilight sends me a letter now?"

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610 Viewpoint Like A Missile

V=werhyjj34ze save point: viewpoint like a missile somewhere in south america, 1980 imagine your viewpoint like a missile.

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Welcome To Equestria: Chapter 3

~blu and hotshot * * * ~~~~viewpoint: hotshot~~~~ * * * the goodbye's were short and sweet from that point on. we both promised to visit when we could.

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Information - Story Links

Swaps very frequently between character viewpoints. interlinks inbound links - - a light kitsune named teranda from the tails of power universe first shows up in the second segment of the story.


Welcome To Equestria: Chapter 4

~blu and hotshot * * * ~~~~viewpoint: blu~~~~ * * * the morning came and zecora helped us get ready for the day ahead.

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Welcome To Equestria: Chapter 2

* * * ~~~~viewpoint: hotshot~~~~ * * * we had all gathered into the living room to discuss things. "so if you haven't guessed already, i'm here for a reason."

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Writing Tips

Or are they still stuck in one character's viewpoint? you can also spice up your story by having multiple viewpoints from different characters. just make sure you have some kind of separation between them.

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Neytiri of the Na´Vi

My first ever contribution to sofurry: a poem about the happenings of the avatar-movie from the viewpoint of neytiri. there may be a few flaws in the story, but come on, give me a break!

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