New Universe Premise Check

#1 of rusted promises universe a new universe i am toying with the idea of. input desired, comment below, and thanks in advance. it is said that, long ago, our peoples were created from lesser beings.


University Story - Chapter 0: Part 1

\*ok, this next chapter is from before alex got to duke university. it revolves around his last year at high school, and of how he came to be at the university. i wanted to do it all in one chapter, but it turned out to be just too much.

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Anatomy of a Being

#12 of rusted promises universe ongoing ramblings of the new rusted promises universe, thoughts welcome. we are created in the image of the creators. it is written in the first text, and if the statues are at all accurate, one can see the similarities.


Sacred Families

#11 of rusted promises universe ongoing writings for the rusted promises universe. hello, curious reader.


The Rusted Promise

#9 of rusted promises universe a dissenting view. promise, land of the proud and perfect beings. land where any being can reach for the stars and be whatever he or she wants to be. don't you believe it. don't you believe it for a minute.


Church of the Creators

His, blessed, hands dove deep into the fabric of the universe and pulled free the spark that would become all of us.


The Magic of Promise

#7 of rusted promises universe just a wiggle of a tail and you can begin to conjure forth information about magic. further musings on the world of promise. please do post below, i'd love feedback. one of the greater gifts given to us by the creators.


Understanding the Shadow

#6 of rusted promises universe let us begin with their arrival. with the shattering, raquestia, the old moon, was destroyed. with the debris, they came. it was not clear at first.


The City of Firmament

#3 of rusted promises universe a description of the primary city of the setting and the nation it resides in. got a comment? i'd love to hear it! post below.


The Social Standing of Soulless

#5 of rusted promises universe the ongoing musings of the world of promise. please post your thoughts below, i want to hear them. as the newest caste of our society, i face unique challenges.



#1 of permithia universe a basic rundown of the nuances to my world of permithia, where most of my short stories take place. this is to serve as a reference if anyone gets confused as to what's happening in my stories.

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A Place in the Universe

#1 of the great balancing a place in the universe chapter 1: burning with desire the hall was dark, cold and very damp, made of ancient stonewalls over grown with moss and stank of stagnant old air.

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