Trial of Destiny

- this court is now in session for the trial of atlas extraction and refinement company answering to the galactic union.

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Tales of Earth and Animalia Prologue

They were then transported to the trial of valor and the trial of the soul respectively. trial of valor "where... where am i?" i looked around and saw a chamber filled with these glowing white particles and the symbol of the dire brother direus.

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Gods Chosen- The Snapping

A Sciuden in rather formal robes coughs a bit, getting the attention of everyone nearby. He then proceeds to bow slightly once Alliquinn and Jase look at them before raising up an arm and creating a force against her. Unable to resist, Alliquinn...

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The Trials: Sub Zero (Part 2 of 3)

#1 of the trials so while i'm switching isp's i've got a lot of time to write more garbage for my 'the trials' series. i've switched narratives, realizing that the journal one was very stupid.

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Junior Year: The Trial

\*\*\*\*\* i walked into court on the day of chase's trial. i had been pressured into testifying for the court. the case had been expedited by the media attention.

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Survivor pt.2

He looked out the window at the courthouse, the heat of the day continuing to rise, and it wasn't noon yet. He rubbed his paws together, anxiety settling into him as he looked at Dr. Moore. He wanted to know why they did it, why every day since that...

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The Trial

He would need a pack to take with him to his trial, and he didn't want to be under prepared. heading into his room, he looked over his bed.

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A Trial

"sorry hunter for waking you, but his hornyness says cassie needs to attend the trial. i think it's a bad idea to have her face the people who hurt her." i cross my arms and lean against one of the thin stone tent poles.

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Section 12

Once I made up my mind I quickly covered my track but left very subtle clues. Either way I knew that she's going to do everything she can to prove me wrong. Considering that's what I'm hoping for, that's sorta why I've been pushing her so hard. For the...

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Section 17

After a week of traveling we entered the forest that was behind the old lab. An hour later we reached the tunnel Luna and I used for our escape years ago. I had Luna and the children to hide out in the tunnel while I scouted the property. Where I...

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Section 16

"That's the last of them everyone and now I can truly relax after all this time. Let's hope the park rangers that're on patrol at this hour haven't come across anything." I said. "Not to be the negative one dad but, can we trust that they won't...

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Section 15

What assurance do I have that this location isn't some kind of death trap?" Admiral asked. Zero was quick to tell him to double check on his tablet if he didn't believe him. Doing exactly as my husband suggested and confirmed the coordinates he gave....

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