The Charred Legacy - Chapter 2 -
Soon the familiar presence was felt as a gentle voice whisper into the therians ear drum, this time only the therian couldn't see this spirit that had seemed to latch close to them. "therian... you must turn back..."
Lost Legends - Intro
therians learned these new concepts and soon began to forget the old ways. they lost trust in each other begun to fight amongst themselves. the therians began to forget their origins, history and their ability to shape-shift.
To Court the Fèidh - Prequel - Order of the Hart -
They have a 'human-centric' belief in their righteousness and an almost borderline xenophobia about therian's and were's.
Love Unkown Chapter one Yumiko's discovery
She had hoped it was to a therian and not a hunter only weeks before their cubs now old enough to survive without them had moved to dens of their own and then she herself binds to this young therian hoping to help her.
The Charred Legacy - Chapter 1 - The Therian
The charred legacy - chapter 1 - the therian the sound of the wind was soothing...
Toby's Super Awesome Werewolf Stat Sheet
Feel free to ask questions | form stat | base | anthro | therian | lycaon | okami | | strength | ••oooo | ••••oo | •••••• | •••••o | •••••o | | stamina | ••oooo | •••ooo | •••ooo | ••••••
Lost Legends - Chapter 1 - Survival
His mind wandering, he remembered his grandfather telling him that all therians were lost within themselves.
The Rooftop Muse
therian evolution tended to leave the best parts of the beast untouched.
Jumping Mouse, Part 1
There are therian first peoples, just as there are humans who were native to this land before the invasion. the sense of insult came from the word "part," as if he could tell a full-blood native, human or therian, by appearance alone.
Reunion, Part 3
James never was, but he would shake my paw gently, once he got more used to how therians interact." "did he seem prejudiced against therians?" quinn screwed up his muzzle for a moment before opening his eyes. "i'll say 'less comfortable.'
A therians memories: Chapter 1: my seccond greatest loss
If youd like to know about therians reaserch it as well as otherkin. ^^ please no bad comments if any.
Jumping Mouse, Part 3
Naturally, it was andy who became our spy, his status as a detective giving him entrée to just about anywhere in the shop (prejudices against therians notwithstanding).