Tacked- Part One
_This is my first story, so please be gentle (: I'm normally a human writer, and this is my first time delving into the world of furries. Please bear with me as I learn the rights and wrongs of furry-writing, and please don't be too harsh as...
Zootopia movie script: Zootopia SWAT act 7
Me and tack did a horse once like this....fun times. tack: oh sure...you weren't the one having to suffer lookin up at his dingus you. rick: the fallin parts easy, only don't pull too tight on the straps or we'll be go'in in shrivel'in.
Allow Me to Introduce Myself
The empty stall at the end of the aisle had been freshly cleaned, but on the far wall was the tack that had been cleaned for the journey back to masyaf.
my name is Sabian
I got up and walked over to my desk to grab a thumb tack to put on my chart. a blue tack means i won the race, a red tack mean i lost the race and purple means it was a tie. neither the red or purple tacks had been used in a long time.
Borrowing Freedom
tacked up in our yard best, we ride out alone as we often do, trusted enough to keep to the main paths with some modicum of sense.
NAFSCAR: How it works
Start/finish line at least one time in the race, and you would tack on another 5 if they led more laps than any other driver.)
Those Sundays
She waits far behind, dressed in tack, sweetheart, hear me: i will be back.
Making an Ass
"let's go see the pavilion, the tack market," david suggested. "i doubt if there are any donkeys there, but all right," i said.
The Trouble with Cultures
Lego hopped into the command chair tacking a button pinging the two "dots". aither, a red panda and wolf mix, along with vin, another tescorosso mixed with deer, were dealing with an issue between two werewolf tribes.
The Hunt For Buckeyed Joe
I would recommend we fall back on the tack tonight. no way we can cook with that fire, it will be just warm enough to get our clothes dry."
Paper Dreams
**paper dreams** albany's claws _tack-tack-tacked_ a frenetic rhythm over their beat-up laptop's keys. upon the page, endless possibility played out. act ii, scene i--a pivotal turning point in the narrative building up to the _denouement_.
Even God Can Make Mistakes
Or for some reason their girth or other piece of tack would break and they'd have a nasty fall. as soon as they started taking good care of their mounts these mysterious accidents would stop!