FR01: Good of You to Join Us

"no, my squire. i may be a knight, but i still remember my time as a squire." the feline controlled the unruly stallion while the rat loosened the girths on both mounts' saddles.

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The unexpected surprise for the dragoness

The squire whistle in a special pipe and a young male dragon flew into the cave and licked the squire. it was his pet and loyal companion.

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The Saga of Fidonhaal - Daughters of the East - Preview 7

"ruth, i am very confident in you, given where you are now as a squire, and i will be only too happy to take you as my squire on this mission. but remember what archgeneral vyth said: this is not being forced on you.

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The Clockwork Falcon - part 16: an Unlikely Rescue

"i knows the proper slog for what you needin'," the hyena returned inquitively, "but whats it for then, squire? them cogs in ya' cob spinnin' truelike?"

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The Clockwork Falcon - part 11: a Backwards Job

"oh for truly, squire?" tuck said happily as he took the watch. it was working. "is there anything else i can do for you?" jim asked as he stood up, " tucker?"

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The Grand Adventures of Knight Plum and Her Daring Squire Peaches

"squire peaches, are our supplies ready?" plum called over her shoulder. her erstwhile, and not just a little flighty, owlbear squire quickly bounded over on her much longer legs. she was far bigger then plum but still, plum was the knight, not her!

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The Squire (Prologue)

A chill wind came down from the north, the wind ice cold, hitting the young squires face. he shivered and put his hands beneath his arm. the squire looked out over the valley, the wind blowing the snow in swirls, drifting into piles over their baggage.

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Granite and weak forces

I was surprised by the firm grip when i took it. -- the other is his squire. markel gave a curt nod to acknowledge the squire.

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Travelers in the dark

My squire, edan, and markel, the necromancer, weren't talkative at first.

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The Order of the Dawn Knights Ch.1 (Not mine owned by my friend and Yes i have permission to post it here)

Bastion turns to face the young man approaching him as he squints his eyes playfully "wh- who is this young squire that approacheth me.. why its the young squire conor!"

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Furever Faire Online CH 1

As the skunk spoke, the squire began to realize what had been gnawing at her. she and the ranger had met at level one, and quested together ever since.

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Chapter II - Challenge

He asked of the royal squire. "he seemed interested in a conversation with the newcomer," the squire answered, shrugging his shoulders. "fortivirago?" the king asked to confirm. the squire nodded and bowed, presenting gallander.

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