Feline Seduction
To make you shudder and make you moan to make you stutter and make you groan he's as sleek as butter and hard as stone your mate and lover that waited at home just to tease you and please you, his shimmering fur smooth because he needs you for his seductive
Getting To Know You
She asked in a sultry voice. he smiled hotly back and signaled for the check. they were soon walking to the parking lot. he stopped by her car. she turned and wrapped her arms around his neck.
The Hunt
something i got inspired to write on the fly texting witha lady ------------------------------------------------------------- aye doth the beauty call not with words no, but with a glance a tiny glimpse of her eye oh doth the male swoon feeling the...
Oh Teacher, Teacher part 2
Sam was immediately assured, all his fears forgotten with dina's seductive promises. "oh...ok!" he said and followed her.
The mysterious primitive killer Chapter 4
The mysterious primitive killer Chapter 4 The night was cold and dark... silent and mystifying as Ven curled in the middle of the living room, somehow awaiting Carver's return. He stood there wondering and pondering of what his so called father...
The mysterious, primitive killer Chapter 1
seductive dragon
The mysterious primitive killer Chapter 3
seductive dragon
"What package?"
Sitting on the front porch of the old family cabin Lucian rocked gently in his favorite chair watching the birds flutter from tree to tree. They were making short work of any bug in the open making short work of their food. Summer was in full swing...
The Other Dragon World: Chapter 18
Heroes Returning Home Seraphor felt light, despite of the wounds he got. He was jumping around the corner, trying to find a cover from a dragon fire blast that was directed to him. His friends from both worlds were trying to fight back, but this...
Hypnovember Day 7 - Gaze
### 7 - Gaze (Mattswolf) There are many things you've been told to beware of when you leave your family's forest cottage to fetch things from the city. Be mindful of strangers, especially ones who look like you've met them before. Do not bother...
Sometimes it's different (Anthro love story)
His voice hadn't been seductive and he hadn't whispered. _good, _she thought. _he seems to be more normal now._ "don't worry about it, ehm... well you haven't actually told me your name. do you want me to beg for it?"
Choose your own Path pt17
As the Master advances on you, you lift both hands, deciding not to draw your sword. "Woah, woah. Before I get my ass rutted, what is the meaning of this. I thought you said this was a challenge." The Master chuckles."Your challenge was whether you...