The empty throne is a single chamber somewhere in naught where all the no ones congregate and is supposedly the seat of power for the most powerful no one, ex the existent.
**signature weapon:** r3 no defining signature weapon.
No Ones, Series
**history:** like r3 and t13, s-zero is considered one of the 'first' no ones but is the middle child of the trio. (reality came first, followed by space and then time).
No Ones, Series
They enlisted the help of the no ones to help destroy their reality so they could start anew. the community h2 lived in attempted to sacrifice the boy to appease their gods.
No Ones, Series
There were two figures with their backs to jeremy, one clearly a tiger and another either a jackal or fox. they were all focused on the one in the center.
Tag One, Tag two
The rain continued, pouring down in a seemingly endless shower. It was cold and even Scott's thick fur wasnt doing much to help keep him warm. He was worried, he didn't want Wynter to die, if he did then he would become a sergeant, and Scott dreaded...
Rain, Trenches, world war one
Said one soldier, a badger, shakily. he had wire rimmed glasses and one lens was cracked. but the medic wasn't listening, he had called a nurse over and took the wounded ermine away.
Hospital, Wounded, world war one
Scott didn't know how long the battle lasted after the lieutenant rescued him, but eventually the screams, and the dreadful artillery blasts quieted and soon all was quiet except for the occasional moan from the odd wounded anthro left alive by the...
Trenches, Wounded, world war one
Scott awoke in the dim confines of a dugout, the failing light of late evening spilled through the opening hole and Scott blinked several times to adjust his vision. Wynter was talking to a medic outside, a young rabbit who looked like he'd rather be...
Military, Violence, world war one
one could find irony where he could be found, even made hans crack a smile at the thought...
as hans grew near to the shop he could see some of the butchers men on the street, the were unaware of him, for the momment.
Assassin, One in the Shadows, Wolf, killing
Here's a link the wiki if you want to give it a read. it's one of my favorite scp's.
exactly one year after the war with the three citadels ended, an unknown object appeared off the coast of the lynn sea.
Alternate Reality, Last one left