It was deeper, more raspy, probably as the result of crying all night, but it made nilia even more convinced that the wolf standing in front of her was _not_ danado.
"why not, dan?" nilia asked.
Ander, Clean, Fox, Nilia, Novel, Serial, Story, Wolf
It was deeper, more raspy, probably as the result of crying all night, but it made nilia even more convinced that the wolf standing in front of her was _not_ danado.
"why not, dan?" nilia asked.
Ander, Anthro, Clean, Fox, Novel, Story, Wolf
She looked to her son, then to nilia, then back to her son, then back to nilia again.
nilia bent down and -
- took her by the hand, this gigantic beast of a woman, with blood in her hair and dirt on her cheeks like war paint.
Ander, Anthro, Clean, Fox, Novel, Story, Wolf
nilia asked, punching a training post hard enough to make the top vibrate. it was a bit scary to watch, actually, since hezzi couldn't stop imagining that post as his own head. not that nilia would ever hurt him, of course.
Ander, Clean, Fox, Hezzi, Nilia, Novel, Serial, Story, Wolf