August 7: The Lone Cherry Tree that Blooms at Night
The first time me and nana-kun met was when shun-kun noticed a kid crying in one corner of the playground. when i asked who he was, the only name he gave was nana, and that was why we called him nana-kun.
Feeling out of this world
Next morning alex wakes up earlier then nana so he just stares at her for a while day dreaming about her. after a while he snaps out of it and makes a snarling noise that wakes up nana.
Chapter 43 Good News
nana made a face and opened her long mouth to retort. "please, nana!" mousey burst. "don't tell him yet! i'm not ready!" red mane looked at mousey's breathless fear in amazement.
Miracle is an old coat: New friends, Old friends.
I turned and grabbed two, handing the first to nana and the other to teejh. nana was the first to take a sip and made a yummy sound licking her lips. teejh took a good swallow and about choked.
Feeling out of this world part 2
Later that night i change back to my human form and me and nana go and see a movie. nana and i walk home after that movie holding hands.
The Wishing Stone, Chapter I: Tradition
He exhaled, "alright, just...don't tell nana or grandfather?"
Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 10 - "With lead in my feet..."
'no, nana... i haven't been home yet...' 'my goodness, dear, you should eat! come! sit down, i'll bring you some!' so i did what she told me to do. i sat down at the table, staring outside.
Gortoz 'A Ran - CH 100 - A lifetime ago...
'no, thank you, nana...' 'ceylan told me you two youngsters are off to the cinema?' 'yeah, movie starts at half passed six.' 'well then, you two should be going otherwise you'll be late!' 'we haven't done much around the house, nana...'
Boundless Act 1
"well its pleasure to meet you, you can call me nana." she hopped over and gave him a small hug. i grabbed cedric by the arm and yanked him towards my room. "we'll be in here talking, playing games and what not.
Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 42 - “Do Eoji et e Janandira”
'hey nana...' 'hello, kitten... it's so good to see you...! how are you doing...?' 'i'm doing good. how about you?' 'i'm fine, dear... have you had dinner yet?' 'yeah, i already have.' 'are you still hungry?' 'haha, no, no, i'm stuffed, nana.
Digimon protecter 2
Protecter **digimon protecter 2** takashi isibashi-the tamer of miracle chibomon\>demiveemon\>veemon\>exveemon\>plaidramon\>imperialdramon(fighter mode) yuki kishimoto-the tamer of hope poyomon\>tokomon\>patamon\>angemon\>magnaangemon\>seraphimon nana