Dinner Mimicry (Otherwise Untitled)
~ The fennec bounced up and down along the kitchen counters, from step stool to floor to stool. Another pair of toast slices onto the plate and fresh bread replacing. Whaah-chunk, more on the way. Her attentions were scattered amongst the formation of...
Corgi has Dinner (Otherwise Untitled)
The ingredients never seem to be all in season at the right time around here," the magpie's beak slightly agape in a mimicry of a smile as she laid the bowl down on the dining table.
Right Church, Back Pew (Otherwise Untitled)
~ the basilisk held her beak open in mimicry of a grin, offering a thumbs up gesture to the rabbit.
Carefully Arranged Papers (Otherwise Untitled)
~ alexander opened his beak slightly, hoping that she was savvy enough of bird culture to recognize it as a mimicry of a grin, "..yeah, my parents really liked to travel. so i thought i'd give it a try, too, you know?"
The Priest is Summoned (Otherwise Untitled)
~ to the rebellious red glow the phoneix opened his beak a bit wider in mimicry of a defiant grin. it wasn't often he found something both baffling and a challenge.
Don't Ask the Compass (Otherwise Untitled)
, the owl volunteered teasingly for just a moment of curiosity from her subordinate, "well, she said...", the owl did her best mimicry of a raccoon's tone, "pray towards starboard if you're hoping to get somewhere new, and pray towards port side if you're
Bluejay's Wares (Otherwise Untitled)
He opened his beak to a small gap, mimicry of a grin. ~ sarah nodded slowly, listening quietly.
Breaktime Shorts 10 and 11
She lay against his side, head resting upon his shoulder, floppy ears pulled back in mimicry of a pony tail. the white fur along the main of her body glittered, the light brown splotches scattered here and there taking on an earthier hue.
First official character
Attacks, tranceformation, transforming that the smaller the form more physical strength and speed there is due to mass compression, minor gravity control for weight control as building would collapse ect, can polymorph when bored and ability assimilation/mimicry
Brothers - (Kreet 86)
Once she would have smiled at their mimicry. now she just thought it pathetic and annoying. they had no idea what they were saying. "shut up," she said, scowling. both looked up, and their eager young faces annoyed her even more. "you speak?"
No Frills: Keys the Kenku
To indulge his wily and zany side, and in battle he occasionally demonstrates shades of the cruelty he learned in the dungeon, but there can be no doubt that he has become a loved and valued member of the team, thanks to gates' patience and faith, and his mimicry
Goldworm (Kreet 90)
The dragon sat up - a rather unusual sight - and put its forearms to its hips in a mimicry of human and kobold indignation. "i beg your pardon! all thanks to me i'll have you know!