The Pompous Baron
Sir kingsley was the oldest of the three. he sported grey streaked brown hair proudly with a long, well brushed beard. when he spoke, his voice was clear and methodical despite his tobacco stained teeth. sir kingsley was quiet, and therefore dangerous.
Chapter 80: The Hall of Windows
She was the foxhound child of the duchess eva kingsley and her husband duke edward kingsley, but even still, her sense of self-importance was over-inflated, to the point that she thought she could bully the future king himself.
Chapter 51 The Writing on the Wall
He didn't look it, but he served the kingsleys for generations. he dug this passage out," charles said quietly. "a long time ago. he wanted his love - my ancestor nicholas kingsley - to have a secure way out of howlester should anything befall the manor.
Chapter 32: On Cue
Now the public hated etienne, but they also hated jonathan and all of the kingsleys for harboring the foxes during the incursion and allowing them to live.
The Sitter chapter 3
"james matthew kingsley? as in the heir to the kingsley incorporated fortune and teen campaigner for co-species relations?!" she shouted, gasping when arren nodded, a strange smile on his face, "but...if you knew him then..."
Chapter 43 The Flame is Lit
"tell jonathan kingsley that you believe her majesty ran away and got it in her head that she would be happy in curith. add that your brother is likely to receive her.
Eternal Waltz: Chapter 3
One pilot was a human named hellman kingsley, callsign "hells king" he got the spot of rear artillery due to the fact that his gunship was stacked with extendible shock cannons, the early ancestor of the o.s.c [orbital shock cannon].
A Bronze Rising: Mercy and Deep thoughts
"my lord, lord dominic has sent baron crestwell as well as knights henry and kingsley. he is most concerned about what has happened to devonshire and would have come himself if the passes weren't to be closed until spring." i nodded slightly.
Chapter 42 Strawberry Tarts
Duchess evelyn lorraine kingsley had run off to "marry" a fox! corene frowned and slowly shook her head. "why do you look so _sad_?" she whispered anxiously.
A Bronze Rising: Blizzard
"he was speaking about ways to term the proposition to a dragon with sir kingsley last night. i growled a bit, the sound unfocused and indicating my general unease. i had a feeling i wasn't going to like the new idea. "do tell then."
Hunter's Game-Chapter Two
._ hunters game chapter 2 insert name ~michael stone, journalist~ two weeks had passed since the 'incident' and the kingsley mall in the shopping district, and yet the hype hadn't dissapeared, not in the least.
An Invincible Summer Ch. 4 - It's Not The Fall That Kills You...
A tall cheetah stood in front of her, a name tag on his lapel reading "kingsley ritter".