The Pack

"Ed?!" Everyone's eyes were on me. You couldn't get to our secret place without being heard, so I knew that the Pack would have heard my approach. Stu was turned around in his seat with a giddy smile so wide that I could see how far back his braces...

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Dark Music

"So, you just found it in the middle of the alley?" Chris asked. "Yeah. I have no idea what it was doing there." Eric said. The yellow fox was holding this old guitar that he found on the street. It was an acoustic one, but it looked like it was in...

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Chapter 6 (Todd)

I sat in the cafeteria with all the other kids before the first bell. the table i sat at last year was empty. i took a seat there, almost like nothing has changed.

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a Long night (Draft) (Inspired by "The Pack" by Kandrel)

I got in and saw 3 kids circling on another kid, i could see fur spreading in his arm and was yelping in pain, i got the camera out and started recording, the kids did not notice me get in the kid got on his feet and was fully transformed into an anthro wolf

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Tin Can Radio Sports

You see many of the kids were antsy that day. the lecture just kept going and going. it's said that it went on so long that time itself came to a stop just to extend the school day. so... a single student decided to take action.

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Rock monsters

"go away...", said her brother with protectiveness that waned as ashika rose to her full height imposing to the kids, and other small mammals. "you are scared right?", asked ashika she never got that.

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Innocent Bonds Page 1

Innocent bonds as while i can remember, me, and my older brother jav, calls himself keino, could get along most times as kids, and we sometimes have fights due to mom choosing favorites which aggravates keino that would lead him to getting little ticked

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Age of Innocence: The Beginning of a Friendship

When they finally did, the kids got in the back seats of the car and buckled their seatbelts. the adults got in the front seats, the mother driving. the father turned his head to face the kids, "you two ready to go?" "yeah!" they replied in unison.

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SoulKeepers Chapter 5

Jessie nods as she runs off to play with some other kids as they run about playing tag. demon laughs as she sits down in a chair with a grunt.

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Poem: Predators

15 but mom says don't trust it he could be lying a lot or a bit so i stopped talking to my friend on the net i said he'd be gone by next week mom says don't hold your breath his name is pedophile or predator if you may they hook up with little kids

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Flight of Icarus Chapter 1 "Wings"

Flight of Icarus Chapter 1 "Wings" In the beginning there was the Almighty Father, Mother and their Angelic Force. All three worked to create a world for a new breed of beings known as humans. They created the earth, the sky, the oceans along...

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Chapter 5 (Jo)

I close my booklet, yawn and stand up with the rest of the kids. i look over at riley. he looks a bit panicked. i walk over to him. "hey, what's got you worked up?" i ask. "we can't talk right here." riley says.

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