Death In The Holy Land: PROLOGUE
"but this time we know for a fact that lebanon will receive no help from any other country besides iran.
Furst Strike- Ch. 2: The Pentagon
The 3d map of iran zoomed in on a small outpost in the middle of the desert. "it is believed that the operative was carrying something stolen from a group of israeli scientists.
Bronze Age Anthro Notes (WIP)
Section 1.2c eastern herder grey wolf clothing culture across the ever-contested alluvial plain, in the lands of the iran where the medes, kassites, elamites called home in the arid highlands of iran, the eastern herders would be far more interconnected
Chapter 1
World war iii came swiftly, with north korea, iran, and russia forming the axis of evil.
In Utter Darkness: Chapter 6: Acceptable Losses
The u.s. was on high alert for the next year or so, fully expecting a nuclear retaliation from iran's allies but none ever came.
fursona ficshon
Some fersona ficshon as iran bullets flying all around me my armor cleaning together making a deafening noise. as i ran a speck of blood landed on my fur. it reminded me of when all of this was not possible.
USS Virginia (SSN-774)
The fallout of the second korean war and the iran indecent and strained mankind. and on the cusp of first steps.
Sweet Revenge
Recently out of his five-year tour of iraq and iran marcus was finally ready to settle down and start a family. on the way there his thoughts kept drifting to mary johnson i wonder if she's still single he thought oh god i hope she isn't married....
The rise Of the lonestar
As well as iran and several other arab nations. the lobbed that americas newly christened submarine fleet. was a danger to they sovereignty and satellites. russia saw this as a threat to there icbm arsenal.
Been here shy a decade our involvement here has been purely for your sake there was absolutely, definitely, no other motive for our arrival by the way, don't get too worried about how your military can possibly stand up against your neighbor, iran
Weapon - Reflection
The countries of iraq, iran and afghanistan are no more. but now, neither is the middle eastern terrorist threat. the other major nations were notified in advance, to avoid any accidents.
Weapon - Awakening
The general opened a folder on his desk, "this is a military camp just within iran, we are fairly sure its not being run by the iranian army, but we do know its holding four us hostages. i have put a team together, your running the show.