I'm Not a Bully (VN Ideas)
All this short VN was about, was a fox kid being bullied by this older wolf dude in high school, when the bully had trouble conveying his feelings for him because the way he was brought up in life. Then on the last day of school he sat his victim down...
Band Room Boyfriend (VN ideas)
Band Room boyfriend, is about a 18 year old Fox Named Wayne, who is Bi and has never been in a relationship. He is in his last year of high school and gets a boyfriend during marching band season. He has two brothers also in the band program Will his...
I'm Back!!!......Well Sort Of
You guys are probably thinking, "then how come you said that you're writing again if you have no ideas?"
New Universe Premise Check
#1 of rusted promises universe a new universe i am toying with the idea of. input desired, comment below, and thanks in advance. it is said that, long ago, our peoples were created from lesser beings.
An introduction to Blood Sports prt 1
Seriously, don't steal my ideas, it's not cool, and it makes puppies cry!
chapter eleven
#12 of rp and story ideas this for all to use either for story idea or using them for role playing ideas **ra to the rescue** **character a** is an ra (resident advisor) for a freshman dorm on campus.
chapter ten
#11 of rp and story ideas this for all to use either for story idea or using them for role playing ideas **the species creed** an alien species trying control all beings taking the right of free will and instinctual violence to species they been trying
chapter nine
#10 of rp and story ideas this for all to use either for story idea or using them for role ideas **a.d.h.t. corporation** alternate dimensional hover train .
Drawing ideas (sfw)
Blah blah blah ideas that may never be drawn below are drawing ideas where more than likely will never be drawn, even though i did complain that i didn't have any ideas a few months ago for my character.
power of ideas (poem)
Heal like medicine but words are strong, ideas are stronger ideas start wars and cause hardship ideas change the course of a life ideas are unmatched in variation ranging from peace to sadism but ideas can lead you astray only if they
Hidden Love Ch5
**_okay, i've lost the idea for hidden love, so i some one has an idea for a name please let me know._**
A fur at Freddys: the toys
I sneak into the guards room, he has no idea i am here.