Song of the Huntress - Part 2

hobbits, being hobbits, are generally suspicious of the big folk, and as small as she was, heather still qualified.


Tolkien's Fox

And there, nestled between the roots of the trees, were three hobbits. "hobbits!" he thought. "what next then? i've heard all the rumors of strange doings in this land, yet hobbits sleeping out of doors under a tree? and three of them at that!

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Smaug the Magnificent

#6 of poems went to see the hobbit: desolation of smaug at the movie theater today and i loved it. i especially loved smaug because dragons are awesome.

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Under a Mirkwood Moon Chapter 1

"What would you do, when the life you've lived comes to an end suddenly? How would you feel in those last few moments? Would you have any regrets? Would you have any unpaid debts, loans, or would you have some unfinished business to still deal with?...

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Issue 02: The Folks of Daracoss

This can result in serious injuries) **the hobbits:** hobbits are a very simple, peaceful people.


Song of the Huntress - Part 3

Eógan collapsed with a groan, and heather rushed to the side of the hobbits. "are you two all right?" "oh thank goodness, heather," said mungo.


The Lonely King

I decided to explore a bit of musing from the perspective of smaug, the dragon from the hobbit. **the lonely king** they call me terrible. they call me wicked. they call me tyrannical, mighty, and the greatest of calamities.

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Tamarar - World Overview

I was inspired when i watched the hobbit. i've always thought the elves were overpowered. strong, fast, magic, they don't die of old age. so i wanted to make them a little more... human, i suppose. not so overpowered.

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Rat's Reputation: Redwall, new and improved

My biggest complaint of _the blood jaguar_ is how disjointed it feels, both in the overarching story which flits hobbit-like from one peril to the next and in the world which felt like a succession of strange lands that had nothing to do with one another.

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Issue 03: The Bestiary

hobbits prefer not to fight, and if they do, they are on the defensive. hobbits try to get along with everyone, they are trained to fit into the community of elves, humans or dwarves and to make themselves useful there.

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Inferno High - Chapter 16

Instead of bible verses and such, the story was actually the hobbit, which he of course had never even read.

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I'm not a frakkin' hobbit! i looked in a mirror, my new eyes adjusting to the distance, and got po'ed. the thorazine calmed me down. ok, back of hands furry, but fingers and palms human. top and sides of feet furry, but toes and soles human.

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