A werewolf guide: introduction

After so many attempts, i just said 'fuck it' and just write a straightforward guide to explain the world.

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_please explain..._ **he fluctuates between hating me, tolerating me, and holding me close for being the only person who will tolerate him.** _which is why you don't realise what he does to people._ _but then... you do._ **i do realize it.**

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"i don't know how to explain this," jo frowns as he uses his paws to massage his nose bridge, "i know it is hard to even believe. but please, at least let me try."

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The Moon, the Stars, and You.

_"Whenever I call someone beautiful, just remember that I call the Moon and the Stars beautiful too._ _Remember that I am fascinated with the Cosmos and everything it has to offer; the beautiful and the terrifying._ _Remember that I am fascinated and...

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Felix Explains: The Dhrag

Felix explains the history of the dhrag, a powerful race of guardians borne after the mysterious starfall. learn more @ www.sheathxfelix.com it turns out that the history of athlanti is actually pretty interesting.

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A lynx tries to explain (Otherwise Untitled)

#30 of short stories a lynx tries to explain a piece of jewelry to their parents. ~ the lynx blinked back tears, staring down at the plain gold band worn on their finger.


Explaining Myself Part 1 - 'Other Things'

Please note: This story contains no actual adult content, though it may contain certain mature themes. It also involves zoophiliac sentiments and bestial scenes. If any of these things offend you, what the heck are you doing on this site? XD Ok, so...

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Chapter Three: Explained Extractions, Unknown Reasons (edit 2/13/2015)

There was a sense of quiet foreboding in the air as we settled on stools and let the princess explain.

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The Risen Curtain - Chapter 16: The Interview - Magecraft & Magic

And of course it was, for zillah had already decided to explain what she could in that interview, and this was among the things that she actually could explain. "magecraft is what mages do." she explained to the vixen.

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Outland, part 2

The rabbit was sitting on the edge of the couch, listening intently while regina explained the situation as best she could to her. the ichthillian had contacted her, explaining that something serious was going on and she needed to know about it.

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Memento Mori -- Chapter 13

He's kind of...changed somewhat," basil explained, "hence the reason i'm outside the gym and not in there with him." "what do you mean by "changed"?" i replied.

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