Letter Pronunciation of the Tashoo Language

There are very few exceptions to the pronunciation of letters and those are noted.


Special Exception: Connected Darkness

My tears as river they dance Dreams and gleams lost at first glance Into the abyss they go Surely making my heart slow I feel my feeble heart beats As I look at empty seats Something is supposed to be But grief gets the best of me They are...

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The exceptionally long night of Judaus Kellton

Judaus' vision was blurred as he tried to push himself away from the pillar that held him. Groggily he looked about: the streets of Silvermoon stood before him, offering neither a sound or a single soul. As his strength began to return, he called...

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Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey

Leo knocked thrice on the large, imposing door, and then waited for an answer. Aidan shifted uncomfortably next to him, "You never told me it was this big." "Hm, you never asked." "Well, I mean..." but the cat was cut off as the tired looking...

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Data Sheet #1

The most notable of which are their exceptionally enhanced mental capacity and the fact that they are exceptionally perceptive of other's emotions. a fair number of caretakers become therapists (or similar occupation) due to this gift.


The Walk from Darkness to Light: Part 1

With some exceptions. more on that later. this brings us to our physical description.

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Confusion - Chapter 1

My life is almost normal except for the fact my mom is gone and my little brother was killed in a car wreck. oh don't forget i'm gay, but no one really knows except for my best friends, alex and bianca. other than that, no one knows.

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The Japanese Garden

The bag seemed mostly empty, except for a flute that sticked out of it. it lay there in the bag, reflecting the light that shone upon it, from its laminated wooden surface.

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Continued Exchange, Epilogue

After that ended, he went off on his own (except for faline, of course). he tried to integrate back into the pride but after scar's disappearance, a power vacuum had formed and they weren't excepting male lions.

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Freedom Fire Chapter 7: Doing it the Right Way

With nothing to do except that, bartoz pulled the parusan's head closer to him with his front paws and their snouts met.

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Blood Red: Chapter Eleven: The Dangerous Half-Dozen

So far there were no signs that anyone had even come through this building; the whole place was silent except for the footsteps we made, and the occasional cough from some stray dust.

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SHIFT TAILS: Sun and Moon

Whatever was responsible for both of these incidents is so exceptionally powerful it can exceed our understanding of the laws of magic. 2.

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