Task Force - Weapon Specs (revised)
Configuration: bullpup effective range: 200 m muzzle velocity: 715 m/s fire options: simi-automatic and automatic fire rate: 900 rounds per minute **sat 5 carbine** manufacturer: easterling arms cartridge: 5.56x45mm feed system: 30 round detachable
Picking a gift for AK
"Don't peek, it's a surprise." "I know, you told me. I'm just adjusting the blindfold." said the mink riding on the taur's back. "I knew I should have taken your eyes out back at the house. That would have made this much easier." Achaius said...
Bani Lore! Bani Tails!!
The tail of a bani can actually be detached and used a high explosive. when gripped, squeezed, then pushed, the tail detaches and after about five to thirty seconds, will detonate.
The Curtain of Stars (a Tale of Furry Spaceflight)
The rocket climbed ever higher, and as flint waited for the second stage to detach, closed his eyes and let his mind wander...
Vivy and Crystal
Vivy notices her grin and promptly grabs her neck with her right hand, worried that this will not be the last time her head will detach again.
Grand Duel Academy: Chapter Rose 2
I now detach an xyz material from bahamut shark to activate his effect!
The Ninja Thief
With that note in mind, i promptly press the button on her neck and grab her detached neck, quickly but quietly moving towards the door. i did it; her neck is now in my grasp! my mission is complete!
Grand Duel Academy: Tournament: Shimmer 1
First, i detach an xyz material. then, i can return up to two madolche cards from my graveyard to my deck. i can then return any number of cards you control to your deck.
City Sector Uplift part 10
detach from the sector and clear the area. break. voyager four, voyager twelve, your position is marginal, prepare to detach if needed."
Shaiden's Story :: Chapter One - Lightning
A sudden detachment of shadows to their left caught shaiden's eye. his white maw peeled back in a vicious snarl and his penetrating green eyes glowed fiercely amidst his midnight face fur.
Chapter 1
When the invasion happened, my unit, the 2nd air assault medical detachment was in australia, doing joint exercises with the australian paratroopers.
Spiral Nebula - Prologue
"detach boarded compartments from the main ship." "i can't detach them all," replied a worried officer. "some are welded to the main ship. they'll have to be cut away." "not enough time," replied joseph. "do what you can."