
You know i'm writing free mini stories ; 3 just an old dabble for an rp i figured i can share :3 bones crush and turn to dust, but the clock keeps on ticking, never stopping.

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Dabble: New Rug

"So, you've failed in the last 6 months to repay your debt, decided to ghost me on my phone calls, and have not found a job yet. Am I understanding that correctly?" Wisper frowned. In front of his desk stood an otter, avoiding eye contact and poking...

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Wisper Dabble - Morning Stretches

"You dirty cat! Turn me back to normal or I'll -grmgmpgh!" Cried the wolf, flattened and transformed into a memory foam workout mat for the snow leopard standing on his face. Wisper started stretching his neck, arms, and shoulders while in his office....

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Wisper Dabble - Desk Decor

"Lemme go!" Yelled the tied-up rabbit, growling as an Anthro T-rex carried him into his boss' room. "If you don't put me down right now, I'll knock you into the next century." "Wouldn't that be amusing," Wisper said from behind his desk, not looking...

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Wisper Dabble - Night Shift

"You can't do this! Put me down you jerk!" Said the hare, dressed in a security guard outfit. "Hush already, you lost the bet, so you got a new assignment," said his partner, a tall black bear who carried the small hare over his shoulder, using one...

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Llijah Teng Cuu Biography

He lived a troubled childhood, often picking fights in school for no reason than to inflict pain upon the people he disliked, and as with many beings of his heritage, dabbled into long forgotten magics of necromancy and pyromancy, developing his own unique


Lawrence and Lorena: First Date

"i dabble in sculpting too." he replied. "this looks like more than dabbling to me." she said, running her fingers over the smooth texture.

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As The seasons go by

They dabble behind our backs but we don't care. the twinkle of the moon on a winters night is the spark from the corner of your eye when you cry. my head throbs during the ragged blizzard. when the backlash night ends, its time to say good-bye.

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Thursday Prompt - The Importance of Water

I've talked about them before, but go check out thursday prompt if you are a writer or even just like dabbling in creating. they are a great community with good people and have resources to help writers, both professional and hobbyists.

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Scenes from Greenclaw University: That One Roommate

Not sure what the future holds yet, but i do know that i'll be dabbling in more short scenes in this setting.

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Charles' Exciting Adventure

It was a rather awkward ride with the driver trying to dabble a bit of conversation in and out which charles just responded with looking out the window and taking the sights in.


Rex Security

#1 of dabbles want to show your support and get benefits: want me to write more pages?

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