Cupcakes Re-done (Rough Draft)

I bet she'd make a horrible cupcake anyway..."

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All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 6 - Twenty Percent Cooler

A discarded flyer, with the most incredibly garish pink he had ever seen, as well as a magnificently rainbow-coloured cupcake upon it. it read out: _hey! wanna cupcake?! sure ya do!

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'A Birthday Treat'

Gently placing the cupcake down as he clapped his paws with joy. he carefully takes the candle out with one paw... and brings the cupcake near her lips.

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Cupcakes 2: The Finale

I need more cupcake ingredients for my next party! can't have a party without cupcakes, after all!" fluttershy recalled the cupcake she ate back at the picnic. realizing pinkie pie's sinister plan, hysteria began to set in. "y... you can't!

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Secret Enchantments

"well maybe he should enjoy his cupcake first. the one i had was quite good." "of course." kickaha grinned, and walked for the cooler, a response erakir had not expected. he bent down to grab the cupcake, then paused.

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January 10, 2020

He pulled the box of cupcakes closer to stare at them. his fingers typed away. "they could have at least paid extra for something other than plain vanilla." luther scooped up a cupcake, eying it.

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Rainbow Blitz and the Changelings -Prologue

"pretty good, glad you're here, it'd be odd to have that one rainbow chocolate cupcake with strawberry sprinkles be left alone," she said smiling and gestured at the cupcake in the corner.

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The Fluffiest Punks - Chapter One

Tart stepped forward and leaned in to give cupcake a bear hug from behind, swiping a handful of grass and flowers as he did so. cupcake growled, but didn't pull away. he was used to such signs of affection from his lamb.

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A fur at Freddy's: Christmas nightmare (part 2)

Nightmare chica held-up her cupcake, the cupcake said "we cant scare you... we are made by your scared brain to scare you...

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Hunter's Game Chapter 4

Uhhhgh! Dammit dammit dammit! I hate my damn computer. four chapters written, four DAMNED chapters eaten! After working frantically, I was able to re-write chapter four. More chapters to come, with five being uploaded in the very near future! Smut's...

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Expired Magic

Originally, the cupcake had been the size of a muffin no different from any other when it had been presented to him by one of his friends.

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Twilight Performs a Spell That Goes Just Fine

I'm off to go make cupcakes... maybe even magic cupcakes! la la la~" out the door and down the street she went. the three remaining ponies glanced at each other. after a few moments of silence, dash finally spoke. "...

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