The Bad Penny

For charity. bernard the street sweeper was cleaning along the kerb of east side of the market place, enjoying the pleasant warmth of the amber light of the setting sun.


Voluntary Intelligence

"dear mr gallin you are hereby invited to receive your award for your consistent efforts for charity since enrollment."


Donate Celebrate

No, you were made to protect your pride, any pride; to lead efforts to help and acts of charity. your strength could be used for good, not evil!


Recovery Center

You wouldn't turn down charity, would you? you wouldn't. you really need to help me, just for a while, and longer if you wish." she moved over to the other two cats, who had backed away, and pet their heads as well.



A friend of mine wrote some charity advertising. steel and stone by: lapsa for: diggergallin "thank you again ms. reid for volunteering!" "of course, when i saw the ad i couldn't resist."


Making The Most of It

Still, the cat did pull something a bit interesting out of this charity request.


For Charity

For charity. heyo, y'all. the following is a short role-play between drigil (myself) and diggergallin (that guy).


YCH story charity auction!

Remember this all goes to charity, so happy bidding!


John and Tyzzy

For charity. john and tyzzy were walking around a mall when they come across an open toy store. they enter into the store looking at all the mysterious things inside. while looking inside they find a rack of plushies.

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United for Ukraine - Story Donation giveaway

As the headline says, I would like to help the situation in the Ukraine as much as I can. When the Covid Pandemic struck, I was directly involved, taking samples and working as much as I could to try and keep the pandemic contained, discovered...

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Charity Update

An update for the charity. hello everyone. just wanted to give an update for the fundraiser i'm doing. first, i made some changes to the time of the stream. i am now planning to start the stream at 1pm cst and will be streaming for 5 or more hours.

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The Adventurers

Written for inclusion in the 2015 rainfurrest charity anthology, as a followup to the piece written for the conbook during the writing competition. kilik and her crew go from would-be-heroes to proper adventurers!

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