The Evening After
They went inside the bronson residence. mrs. bronson was out working, but she trusted sydney to not break anything. the few times tj directly interacted with her, she was stern, and he imagined that she didn't love her son that much.
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 1
I could hear my father ask someone, probably airman bronson, "what is his altitude now?" "he is just below sixty kilometers and descending at the rate of one kilometer every five minutes.
"yes, i want to be with you 'till the end of times, syd bronson." before sydney could even react tj kneedled down to his level and kissed him.
Alas Poor Coyote
She recalled mr bronson taking her on a date by a payton mall, and when they drove back the car's roof looked exactly like her ceiling did then. she missed him, sometimes.
William's Gift
bronson, then his son, then chase, then flynn. william never manages to get a grip on sam, perhaps because there is something halting his movements whenever he gets close to doing so.
The Script
"you will get walk-on roles, every single member of the family and my agent was strong enough to get the other stars in hollywood to play minor roles, like bronson lohmiller, that vulture to play the heel who would keep sheng, i mean, ch'i and i from coming
BEL chapter one
**annabel lane bronson,** ** i do not appreciate the way you spoke to me last night. as your mother, i demand respect. is this the way you treat your friends?
And Mango Makes Three
"Sure you don't want to play this one?" Sydney asked. "Single player, my man" Carl said, relaxing on the couch, "Besides, watching you fail is pretty funny." Sydney gave him the middle finger, but eagerly started. "Babe, it's going to be...
Sydney Alone
Eliza bronson had enough of echo, and most of her sons went with her. sydney stayed behind, his friends and especially his boyfriend not worth abandoning. then, jenna and chase departed. carl did, but he returned. then, his aunt left.
At the Bistro
William parked his truck next to the bistro. Their car, it seems, was already parked, and if he could squint extra hard he could seem them inside, the lnx waving. "Guess you won't do your mafia 'I was waiting for you' shtick" Sam chuckled. ...
Homework Cuddles
2009 It was a spring afternoon, though in TJ's room it felt more like winter, much as Sydney loved. He saw snow exactly once in his life and fell in love, and hoped to one day move to the north with the love of his life. They were both laying...
He never felt more certain about a question than ever before in his life: "syd bronson, will you be my boyfriend?" another awkward silence followed.