Ch. 16 -- Welfare Check

"Are you sure this is the right place, sir?" asked the rookie driver of the police van. "We don't usually come down here without riot gear." "We aren't here for a riot," replied the dragon, from the back of the van. "Unless you think our being...

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Ch. 15 -- Kidnap

--- Kidnap. Dro's attention was drawn away from his report by the sound of a data pad clattering to the floor. Across from where he lay on Shannon's couch, the skunk lay sprawled out in a comfortable chair, her right...

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Ch. 14 -- Guild Report

--- Guild Report. Wymera Oroyo was the matriarch of the most powerful family on Mephus, and head of the Trading Guild which now bore her family's name. Well into her ninth decade, she had outlived both of her younger...

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Ch. 21 -- Thawed

--- Thawed. Shannon awoke, which was an unexpected, though pleasant surprise. The sound of beeping electronics were all around her, and the non-smell of an overly sterile room told her that she was either in a medical bay,...

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Ch. 20 -- A Warm Place

Shannon could almost feel the access to the ship's control circuits crumble under her touch, as her virtual claws raked through the subroutines in the ships core. She didn't have time to target any system in particular, she just tore wide...

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Chapter 23 -- Reunion

--- Ambassador. "But you two don't know each other," the dragon began, "T'kRusa of Clan Sh'kStah, may I introduce.." "Shannon Oroyo, daughter of Lucia Oroyo, rightful heiress to the Oroyo Trading Guild," finished the Krysh...

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Chapter 19 -- Inquiry

--- Inquiry Dro's shuttle had cleared the atmosphere and was not yet half way to the planetary ring, when his destination became visible to the naked eye. The Nyth Tylluan had parked itself half way between the ring and...

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Chapter 18 -- Wymera

Wymera exited the shuttle, her silver white fur contrasting the dark blue dress swirling about her. Everything about her was regal and erudite, while at the same time cold and impersonal. The cane she carried had been a symbol of her...

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Chapter 17 -- Preston's Promise

"Was that some kind of test?" asked Mira. "Yes, and both you and Preston passed," replied the dragon. "Preston?" she asked, tilting her head. "Yes. I may have heavily implied that he should get you tested for sapience when I was last...

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Chapter 13 -- Varian

--- Varian. The two strangers stumbled blindly into the air gap between sets of automatic doors, with their gloved hands over their eyes, as large vent fans stripped the dust from their clothes and the air which had followed...

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Ch.9 -- Knock Knock

--- Knock Knock The door chime caught Lance by surprise. How had he missed the maintenance elevator? Monitoring the building's security channels was one of his few indulgences while staying with Reg, yet somehow this...

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Ch. 8 -- Whats Cooking

--- Lance Lance disliked downtime as much as Reg did, if not more. For an AI, remaining stationary with nothing to do was the pinnacle of boredom. The local network contained nothing of interest, and all of the media feeds were...

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