Windows to the Soul - chap. 1-2 - by Skyfox
Chapter 1. Overtime It was quite a bit past dark as Sarah wrote equations on the white board, listening to the rain hit the office windows and run down to the metal sill. The marker fumes had become a stench to her nose as she continued to work...
Windows to the Soul - chap. 21-22 - by Skyfox
Chapter 21. There Are Two Suns In The Sky "Sarah." "..." "Sarah," Storm whispered again in her ear. "...mmm?..." "Saaarahhh." "...hmm?..." she responded with closed sleeping eyes. Storm moved his muzzle slightly and began rapidly licking and...
Windows to the Soul - chap. 17-18 - by Skyfox
Chapter 17. Home Is Where A Wolf's Heart Is The warm light of Kothalos shone down on the two as they exited the research facility. It was sitting high in the sky, approaching midday, reminding Sarah how long they'd been there. When they got just...
Windows to the Soul - chap. 15-16 - by Skyfox
Chapter 15. A Fox's Den Is His Castle Storm led Sarah down a well beaten path toward the forest. There was no sight of any ground transportation, nor any tracks to indicate any was ever used. The morning twilight that provided soft light outside...
Windows to the Soul - chap. 9-10 - by Skyfox
Chapter 9. Forgiveness Ajagi and Sarah roamed the halls of their interstellar ship. During that trip outside the room there were more Arfurans in the halls with them, going about the business of their duties. Each one stopped to meet her and...
Windows to the Soul - chap. 5-6 - by Skyfox
Chapter 5. So _That's_ What It Means Sarah headed back to the living room where her odyssey began the night before. A creature of habit, she sought the familiar comfort of the couch. She thought to herself that it had been about a full day since...
Windows to the Soul - chap. 7-8 - by Skyfox
Chapter 7. ...Should she choose to accept it... Just as Sarah, Storm, and Ajagi were walking toward the door it slid open and another feline came through with black fur like a panther but dark gray spots like a clouded leopard. She swiftly walked...
Windows to the Soul - chap. 25-26 - by Skyfox [end]
Chapter 25. Animal Instincts Sarah felt like a colonel following two generals through the halls of an underground bunker to join a discussion on battle tactics. The route they took seemed to be the same they followed to the medical room, a feeling...
Windows to the Soul - chap. 23-24 - by Skyfox
Chapter 23. So Far Away The nocturnal pair found Storm's den in the darkness, aided by the moonlight. Storm took the carved wooden bowl from Sarah's hands and said, "Please wait a moment. I will set these on the table before we go." He disappeared...
Windows to the Soul - chap. 19-20 - by Skyfox
Chapter 19. Natural Beauty The warm afternoon rain endured for more than an hour before trailing off to a light drizzle, accompanied by the strong scent of wet vegetation on a rainy day. The dark overcast lightened but never revealed any more than...
Windows to the Soul - chap. 13-14 - by Skyfox
Chapter 13. Getting To Know You Storm got up from his seat at the controls and walked back into the room. "We would do well to get comfortable. It will take us just over three tar to arrive at Arfurah." Sarah thought briefly. "Three tar?...
Windows to the Soul - chap. 11-12 - by Skyfox
Chapter 11. Crazy Cashew or Demented Pecan? The clock menacingly showed it was near 3:00 in the morning. Despite her body being asleep so recently, Sarah felt wide awake. The alarm would be waking her in a few short hours and she knew she needed to...