The Mystic Sands | Chapter 3

Mystified, Edwin padded over for a closer look. The gilded surface that surrounded one of the keyholes bore several deep gashes. "Is that what I think it is?" "If you think it's the mark of someone who is utterly lousy with a pick, then yes." Robert...

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The Mystic Sands | Chapter 2

"A pendant in the shape of intestines?" Robert elevated an eyebrow. "At least that's what my endless nights with an anatomy textbook recall. Those ridges and the coiling, they're unmistakable." "I-" Edwin remembered his anatomy by heart, but-...

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The Mystic Sands | Chapter 1

**Part I: The Find of a Lifetime** "Sold!" The auctioneer banged his gavel twice, casting the audience with a pleasant vulpine smile that showed just enough of his perfectly-straight teeth to imply a wealthy breeding. "For six-hundred Pounds to the...

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Stories From Elton High | Chapter 25

Several days pass, and my dad stays by my side the entire time; nobody else comes to visit... not that I expect anyone to. It's the morning of what I estimate to be my last day here; as promised, Sally comes in to discharge me. She helps me into a...

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Fix or Forget | Part 2

I don't know how long I stand there, staring into empty space, muzzle agape. All the emotion raging inside me just cannot seem to find release. I want to cry, to fall on my knees and let everything out; instead, I just stand there and stare. By the...

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Stories From Elton High | Chapter 19

"Hey guys, can we take just one or two minutes of your time?" Arden was the first one to make it to the small group. "A student was beaten up a few days ago for being gay; we're just trying to spread awareness." "Just ignore them, Ab," the puma...

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Stories From Elton High | Chapter 12

**~FALL~** Mornings, something Arden really didn't have to deal with during the summer, were now back with a vengeance. His alarm clock went off at six; the young otter hit snooze with his paw and moved his other paw around the bed, searching for...

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Streets of His City | Chapter 2

**N** atier spun around and found himself against a wall. He put his paws against the aged wood and tried pushing, but the wall refused to budge. Fear and desperation took over; Natier started throwing himself against the wall in vain attempts to...

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Streets of His City | Chapter 3

**T** he total darkness was still a bit of a shock, but Natier recovered much quicker than last time. The adrenaline from last time was still there, however. It pulsed through his veins, making him shiver with anticipation. Natier took the steps two...

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Stories From Elton High | Chapter 24

I hear the rain before I feel it; the quiet rustling sound calms me and makes me think I'm still dreaming. I open my eyes slowly; they hardly have time to focus before misting over again with tears. What happened wasn't a dream; I tore the only person...

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The Comeback Kid

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story, characters and setting are copyright © 2011 Alflor Aalto. * * * It feels weird to be back in Delport. All the new constructions I drive by remind me of just how long I've been gone. Other buildings, buildings that...

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Stories From Elton High | Chapter 29

Arden rounds the corner, followed closely by Sam. Words die in his muzzle as he sees me. He freezes up again, but not before I do. All my plans to speak to him evaporate. What could I possibly say that will make up for what I've done? What could ever...

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