Mirror Fragments

"You're beautiful," I tell her in the nights--and we dance. "Come chase me," she says, in the mornings, as the light washes out my face. "But I don't know where that path will lead me, while the others watch my stride," "We cannot lead a life...

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Morning. July the twenty third, two-thousand, fifteen. It feels like a day from the Future. I say that having recently watched Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd's antics, on a big screen-- In my own living room. Has time really passed, that...

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A certain darkness has crossed my world. When twin genders, striving in silence of the sound, against each other, are not enough, And a third symbol is carved from the Roman pantheon, into our realm of the present I stand and lose my bearings,...


Bound In Beast Flesh -- Accursed Hunter

_"You're mine, you know."_ _"I know."_ _"You belong to me, forever."_ _"I know."_ It's been a difficult night. You've tried to reconcile everything you've done--everything you've become, so far. Maybe noticing your reluctance, or your vain grasps...

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Bound In Beast Flesh -- Conversion

You confront Shanon sternly. "You've been filling his head with fantasies about this, haven't you?" Shifting into vulpeanthrope form, she raises an arm across her breasts, perhaps in defense, and giggles. "He's asked me all about being a ladyfox,...

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Mousetrap Binary

I will rise From this squalid body, Will I rise Place a rapier through your ribs Crush the old definition, Embracing all the while Get a rise I rise from bed, Sense of safety defunct Empty, crushing pressures-- Expectations rise, He awakes...


Bound In Beast Flesh -- Unfair Fight

Your devotion finally finds its footing in your heart, as you become aware of how far your thoughts have drifted. You catch yourself as the first thoughts of arousal for the she-beast begin to form. "This is wrong. What are you doing to me?!" Shaking...

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Bound In Beast Flesh -- Aperture

"Did men find us tempting? Shapely? Yes. We were the predators of humans--those creatures such as yourself, that prey upon and compete amongst all things. Back in the day, we sired children with your own, that would grow fond for the beckoning of the...

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Bound In Beast Flesh -- The Unlikely

"There is no sense of peace, in what I do now." Those words leave your lips, as you stand before her, clad in armor. Now you draw your blade--you must, it is the oath you have sworn. You've seen it, time and again. You've cut the tie, felt the life...

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I am neither Nippon-born, Nor do I share the wild scorn For passions erected of ancient days Portrayed upon a sun-bleached skein, Inked in ebony, sold to the masses, Left in dust upon my desk While I contemplate a better life, While Nippon...


Laceration of Fate

A plethora of potent feelings sweep my reptilian brain. Savagery at its finest, raging furiously against the inane, I take a circular path, back to the Traitor again. Traitor I love you, traitor I'll kill you. Traitor why don't you stay with...

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A Lifestyle Choice

Dear Mom and Dad, I'm writing this to you to say farewell. I'm going to live with the others. Soon, I will grow a tail, and it will be getting hard to stand on two legs to write this. Moreover, my paws barely fit the keys to type this. I'm going to...

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