Tranquil waters
Still was the water, Calmer than most have seen. The wolfs mind at rest. Just like the tranquil water. Crisp the morning air. A white mist in trail, From every slow exhale. As he walks along. Reaching where he wants, Where the sun breaks the...
When day turns to night, The world continues to spin, On and on it goes. Never once resting, Till everything turns to dust, Till love turns to hate.
Forget about me.
Forget about me, Forget about the fun times, Forget the bad times, Forget what we had, Forget about what once was, Forget what we shared, Forget what I said, Forget that I was waiting, Forget about me.
I'll be missing you.
Sitting in my chair, Mind lost in thought about you. To see your smile, That won me over. To feel your arms warm embrace, I miss most of all. That quiet laughter, Brought me out of any blue. A longing heart aches. Sun's warm gentle rays,...
A Perfect Circle.
Wrote this a few days ago but only been able to get it posted now. ~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~ Words that seldom speak, How honest and true you feel. Burning like a flame....
Restless Winds.
Life can be confusing, battles lost and won. No fun in that all, so all is left to press on. ~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~ Besieged emotion, Conflicting in turmoil. Clouded skies above. A wind filled torrent,...
Moonless Night.
First time writing something ever. Please comment to let me know how I did, or how I can improve. ~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~ Baying for my love. Without a star in the sky, No moon to give light. Sitting in the dark. Snowy...
To my loving wolf
To my loving wolf, Whom I hold close to my heart. Trusting with my soul. I just want you to know, That I will always love you. No matter how bad, No matter the wrong. I will hold you close and true. Through harrowing cold, Or the scorching...
Twilight Stroll.
Walking paw in paw, Tails swishing side to side Down the sandy beach. Lazy clouds drifting, Painted by suns amber blaze. Seas reflecting light. Waters gentle touch, Washing away our tracks. A dog and wolf stroll. Gazing over him, His eyes...
Sorry this took so long to get out, requested by LucarioFan692. Hope it came out like you hoped. Waiting and watching, A continuous searching. The answer hidden. Ebbing, receding. Like the tide of a beach. Confidence wavers. Should I...
I will wait for you.
Time and time I wait. For a word or gaze from you, Days and nights passing. With out word from you. Just a caring sound from you, Simple heartfelt phrase, To hear I love you. Patiently I try to wait. Holding on to us. Keeping what is dear. My...
Valentines day gift
Learning what it means, Only to have all the doors closed, Vainly I waited. Everyday I fought, Over and over again, Finally at end. Meeting one so pure, You picked me up with such ease. Loving me for me. Idly waiting, For when we are...