A Storm for Blackwing, or, Former Glory

A Storm for Blackwing, or, Former Glory The sea stretches outwards, vast and glittering, beneath brilliant blue skies. It's hot today. Unbearably so, were it not for the breeze. The heat ripples down in waves from the white disc of the sun,...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 30

Chapter 30: The Riot Seuthu knew that the best place to cause trouble was right under Besegrare's nose. Unfortunately for her, not even her rank would matter if the king was present. The guards would listen to their king before they'd listen to their...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 29

Chapter 29: The Assault A fire was burning in the Trade Quarter. Plumes of smoke rose, billowing like clouds in the sky. Sections of the dock were completely engulfed in flames, while homes and storefronts crackled and roared. Beasts caught in between...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 7

Chapter 7: The Mark of Death is Made Foxes in tow, they traveled. The Kvalsdimm was less a forest and more an infestation, the thick trees so close and so tall that there was little room for light. But the abundance of trees began to thin and a little...

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Culling the Fold

Culling the Fold And God looked down upon the face of the world which they had created so long ago. In their absence it had changed, and yea, it displeased them greatly. No longer were the people kind or hopeful or honorable. God touched theirself...

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I Cannot Read Because of the Cat

I cannot read because of the cat. I'm telling you, it's just out of hand. She's not even my cat and that makes it all the worse. I can't set her outside, or scold her and lock her away. So whatever the cat decides to do is what the cat is going to do,...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Kvalsdimm The King and his forces travelled on foot. Besegrare said it was unlikely their foe had taken to the sea, so they should patrol the roads on the way down Inthil. He dared not tell anyone about his dreams, about the forces he'd...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 9

Chapter 9: A Cruel Trick That Nashil loved her, Valdigt knew. It had been apparent from almost the first moment they met, and though that had been only a few weeks ago, the days they'd spent together were joyous. Passion came swiftly - so swiftly they...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 8

Chapter 8: The Immortals The River of Ash is the longest river in the Northern Kingdoms. It originates in the Lake of the Moon, which itself is located in the mountains along the Rim of the World, less than a hundred leagues Northeast of Hollow. The...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Order in Gryning The little brown wolf, Irda, was bound by an endless series of routines, that wound him like clockwork in the morning and set him running till night. There was little in this world that Irda felt he could not do, so...

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Gathering Together The years passed quickly. Besegrare was busy restoring Gryning and he kept his court open always, fording questions from travelers and denizens of the North. They approached him with a multitude of problems. "Money,"...

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The Wolves of Gryning: A Vixen's Tale Pt. II

Interlude A Vixen's Tale - Continued Jula leaned back and lit another cigarette. She drew the smoke deep and held it, held it so long that it came out clear, near-invisible. Her ears twitched and she crossed her legs. "You were right. This is an...

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