Into the Pit Chapter 4: Movies are a bad first date
Though if she did, she probably couldn't tell amethyst that rebecca was too dangerous. if she did, she could tell amethyst how helga fought her at the gym.
Into the Pit Chapter 5: Fight Night
Her eyes widened as helga kissed amethyst's cheek. fists tightened. it had to just be a motherly thing, right? that's just what close parents do. then amethyst kissed helga, on the lips.
Into the Pit Chapter 7: No Home
But it's clear that even as lovers, amethyst needed to know other people. besides, helga had a lot of friends. it wasn't fair to amethyst that she didn't have any.
Sins of Our Elders: Chapter 5
amethyst bit her lip while waiting on the front porch of her mother's house.
Office Faux Pas
amethyst sighed.
Sins of Our Elders: Chapter 8
amethyst knew they should have taken separate cars. why she agreed to let him drive was a reasoning only the amethyst of then knew. pity? an extra chance?
Voided Traveller: Chapter 7
While lexiss was confused by the amethysts, skyclaw picked up his halberd and clipped it in to it's hook on his back, knelt down and gathered as many amethysts as he could.
A Jewel in the Ruff Chapter 9
Rebecca blinked, then turned to amethyst, "mistress, can i go?" "you may." "you gonna ask mama?" pulling out her phone, amethyst tapped helga's contact information. "hey, me and the girls wanted to take out alex for clothes. that ok? uh huh.
Blinded by the Light
They were made of amethyst, polished and sharpened to deadly points. then, the smooth skin of hir feet started to shift and crack as the rough surface of a uncut amethyst crystal culture replaced it up to hir elbows.
Cousin Amber- Release Terms
Her one ability tells her that it's amethyst at the door and based on her own reaction and amethyst's it doesn't look like there are armed guards coming to take her back, so at least that is good.
Jade and Amethyst (Chapter 2)
#2 of jade and amethyst this was written by myself and a friend of mine art by soulgatherer666 (da) if you like the story, please rate jade and amethyst (chapter 2) by 3669ad and blazelucivar a deep, rhythmic rumbling came from deep within the
Jade and Amethyst (Chapter 6)
#6 of jade and amethyst this was written by myself and a friend of mine art by soulgatherer666 if you like the story, please rate jade and amethyst (chapter 6) by 3669ad and blazelucivar a week or so had passed, and giada found a beautiful piece