Real Alchemy

#1 of scraps real alchemy alchemy, the power to convert one thing into another by breaking the item down into it's most basic of elements and reconstruct it as something else.

Marketh, The Bastion Of Oppression (rough)

Our world was beautiful until alchemy was discovered and popularized. alchemy was the end result of the internet being brought about.

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A werewolf guide: Magic

**charms and alchemy** these two usually are put together since alchemy is used to create charms, but some charms don't fall under the classification of alchemy.

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Don't give a raccoon a potion

#9 of sories trixie has finally bought her very own alchemy shop. this shop will appear in future stories. happy reading everyfur! i walked into the new store. it was mine now. i had finally finished purchasing an alchemy store.

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Rekuiem's Oddest Christmas Party

"well, the thing is these are the alchemy rooms, the reasons as to having them so far down are actually well thought out, one of them being that alchemy is dangerous and could hurt others if done in a busy pathway.

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Alchemist's Letter #1

Dearest Falutrav, It has been some time since our last correspondence, my friend. I hope all is well and that business is good for you. With the unseasonable weather we have been having here I am afraid to say that my supply has been outstripped by...

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Whoever came up with transmutation was extremely unlikely to have expected that anyone would ever use it the way that Midas ended up using it. It's not just the fact that he has no need to keep an alchemist's furnace in the cave that serves as his...

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Jungle Queen

==== the next year, pantherea was trained in the teaching of alchemy and use of creating potions. alchemy, even in a simpler form, still requires a great deal of discipline and knowledge.

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Nether Encyclopaedia: Dune Riders

All dune riders wear magical artifacts they create using alchemy and rune magic called bonds.

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The Slave and the Mage: Bought, Chapter 1

A table in the corner held a shelf of jars labeled with alchemy ingredients, and in front of them an expensive and enchantment-reinforced set of alchemy equipment, the mortar and calcinator blackened with long use.

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Gray's Felt

That was the only way to describe the way the dragon-man felt as he listened to the youth next to him prattle on about the small nuances that separates weapon synthesis from true alchemy. not that he cared, really. magic. mana. alchemy.

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Anthropia: The Mages (Chanters Edited)

**alchemy:** it is said that magic flows through all things in some degree or another.
