Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 10
"he was visiting his friend, zo-kyta, at her home." caught off guard, the ka'yno reacted as if he had been punched in the stomach and could only ask, "how do you know this?" "it is because i was there with him."
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 9
I failed to mention earlier that zo-kyna, rora's friend and zo-joola's son, has a twin sister by the name of zo-kyta and she was the reason for our walks.
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 36
I admit i touched zo-kyta in an inappropriate manner, but it was not of my own volition.
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 19
XIX The Decision of the Aka' (Day 126 on Tashoo) Rora and I backed out of the Ishoo'se Choko Aka'ny toward the door to the anteroom. Just as we reached the door, it opened. Te'-Maky was still there at his proper place right beside the door and...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 23
XXIII Chy Charms the Anohachy (Day 163 on Tashoo) Fortunately, the hike home was just a short four kilometers; otherwise, the dead weight of Chy would have been totally unbearable and I didn't want Rora to have to explain why he carried a...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 21
XXI The Ka'yno Returns (Day 145 on Tashoo) The next morning, we finished off the meal that Ara had cooked for us the previous night, as is the norm for the Mory people. After the nakyvy, I went to my room and got ready to go to work. When I came...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 34
XXXIV Faux Pas (Day 367 on Tashoo) (Morning) Sleep is a wonderful refresher. Everyone needs it, eventually. Dreams are also necessary to assist in the refreshing nature of sleep. Dreams are wonderful when they are not frightening. Needless...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 12
"the next time rora and i visit zo-kyta i will ask if i had accidentally offended her and make appropriate apologies if i did.
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 30
zo-kyta stepped back into the house as she opened the door. "chitekuro, mvilu. welcome to our humble home." she said pleasantly. "please enter and grace us with your presence."
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 27
XXVII No Longer a Slave (Day 202 on Tashoo) The next morning, Chy and I were up and about before Ara; we went into the kitchen so I could prepare his breakfast. While I was preparing Chy's breakfast, I went ahead and started preparing...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 31
XXXI Playing Tricks on the Spies (Day 234 on Tashoo) Tyarza and I worked steadily until lunch, during this whole time the warrior never moved from where he was standing and continually stared at us. I was tempted more than once to look at him,...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 37
XXXVII Preparations (Day 369 on Tashoo) (Afternoon) As the three of us walked back to Ara's house, Naka asked me, "I cannot believe you succeeded in getting the Ka'yno to challenge you. That was your plan from the moment you walked into the...