Zombie apocalypse: chapter 4

this one took longer than the other chapters, but it's finally done :) hope everyone enjoys it....

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Christmas to New Year's @-@

I do apologize for the no christmas photo but unfortunately shit happens. but like a famous person said, " sometimes doors are closed in life to open knew ones." lets just say i took advantage of the opportunity.

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The Second Cycle: Prologue

Sain looked away, "shit, happens. i didn't want a kid anyway." she blinked back tears, as alyx gently kissed her churring gently in her ear. "liar. denial doesn't make anything better."

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Story Time With Wuff- Always wipe your tech before reselling!

Do not sell it before wiping the damn thing, otherwise you could have all kinds of shady shit happen to you. don't believe me?

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United for Ukraine - Story Donation giveaway

You know, i know, that shit happens out there all the time. i have been in enough shit myself to know exactly how some situations feel.

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SB-TB 00

It's a challenge, but it'll do me some good to focus on something than the retarded shit happening these past few months... don't get me started. anyway, have a little taste of what to come in the future. still getting my thoughts and notes down.


Character Lore: Kaylah Carmine

Once it was clear i left and for the rest of the night i couldn't stop thinking about how shitty the governments work was... it's like they didn't fuckin care and just let shit happen.

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Father's Day [Vent]

shit happened. it had been the catalyst that had, eventually, led her to the mess she was in today. yet still, she missed him. even the rain, so cold, numbing her skin - could not numb the pain in her heart. she really wanted to move.


He Stood By The Fire

Some scary shit happened, and things like that are hard to forget." "would you mind sharing that story?" i ask, "because i'm very interested in things like that." "sure." he replied. "i don't mind."

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Astral High - Chapter 24

It's obviously the prime place to host a party, but it just so happens that all kinds of horrible shit happens. last year some girl got raped, teenage bodies wash up on shores- the people are always caught but... well, we went to a party there and...

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A World Beyond: New Beginnings chapter 1

That's when all this shit happened. one of the main scientists was not happy with it. secretly he had taken some humans into captivity and made it look like they had died. he could continue with this sick and twisted experiment.

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Bravest Face

I think we've all heard it before shit happens, everyone knows that. so you've just got to smile and like i said before, put on your bravest face." "and one last thing," mr.

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