A Love Rivalry

**_Chapter 1: Full Moon Emissary_** * * * It was the first full moon of the month, all the creatures of the tribal lands would come together at the great open valley to celebrate the new month. The moon glowed bright enough for it to seem like...

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Sixth official character

shifting(reduces the pain of it), has true shape shifting, has super strength, can run at 60mph for half an hour, cursed rot breath, has dark elemental abilities such as shadow control, poison, fear, green fire black lightning and the like, and in the study

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what am I ?

I asked who told you about that she asked me with her big blue dragonic eyes boring into my mine like she was looking for a hint to saw her shape-shift into her dragon form.


Stryker Duke of Snakeville Background Story

At age 17 while out hunting for food, stryker ran into a human witch in desperate need of rescuing from a alligator, which he did, afterwards the witch rewarded him with shape shifting powers but only the ability to shape shift into a copperhead naga and a

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No Frills: Maundrill

Maundrill doesn't feel as if he was invisible, but he does have the next best thing: he is able to shape-shift into objects. he also has the ability to mimic voices.

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Enchanting Desires Ch2

He laughed openly, "ha ha, yes i can shape shift my appearance at will. surprised you didn't i?" he laughed some more. "but there aren't many magi that can shape shift are there? i have never even heard of one existing before now."

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Protector of the Planet

(correlates with staffs) specific fields of training would be if one showed a particular interest in lightning, dragon taming, speed fighting, illusions, shape shifting, healing, defense, buffs, etc.

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Endless hope - ch.3

He looks at it again blinking just to be sure he is not dreaming" a dragon shape shifted into a wolf?" he thinks to himself then blaze starts to wake up groaning in displeasure and blurry vision.

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BlackBlood Ch1

I can shape shift into any disguises. and this is not my true form."jess replied."then please show us your true form."chiro asked. jess shake her sideways to refuse,"you'll think i'm a freak."as tears fell from her eyes."it's alright.


Sorrowed Past- [Prologue] (Scrapped)

"erious you have been given a rare ability, tilrith tried to consume your body.. most know he has shape shifting powers, you must have gotten those abilities somehow!" hayley says completely baffled at how.

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This war is ours: Prologue

All because i could shape shift. i could defy the enemy, and kill them instantly. i was a science experiment. at the age of 4, i was taken out of a fur community, because i ran away one day, foolish child i was.

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Defenders of the Universe

Any weapon of power, be it extreme healing, speed, flying, shape shifting, etc, is a sign of completed training. (not necessarily having to last half their life, just the creation of the weapons.)

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