Finding Rayraw Island - Natia Emory - Chapter 2

We knew that the largest had plenty of ripe berries that we could fill pouches with along with this year's annual crabs sidestepping around the sea bed." we all giggled at the small walking motion he made with one paw across his other paw.

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751 Heavy Metals

I have a very badly compression-damaged memory of a news program in which they noted that only three had ever been lost, and two of them had been winched back up from the sea bed due to the amount of radioactive material and weapons on board."

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Sometimes interesting things to find and recover, but mostly a little way out, where the sea bed started to darken. like that. what was that sparkle? the penguin slowed, span around, and dipped to get a closer look.

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Open Ocean

I watch myself digging at the sea-bed, using my rostrum like a shovel. hit the dirt, push it in, apply leverage, toss it to the side. hit the dirt, push it in, apply leverage, _shink shink shink_....ruse yourself, go up for air, and return.


Shaydes of the Past

Shayde was staring so hard at the otter that he didn't see the large wave that crashed into him, sending him spinning towards the sea-bed. shayde choked as he inhaled the water, and he saw a brown figure swim at him.

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Pact: Prologue part 2

His spiritual lake was no longer there, instead there was a dried up ocean bed with puddles of dark blue water that was his spiritual energy! something like this, shouldn't be possible at all.

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Chasing Tail

Enid slowly sank onto the ocean bed, her head filled with worry. what was she to do? she didn't want to be banned from her only home.

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To Wander Infinity ~ Chapter Seven: The Bird and the Snake

In the watery valley below them, strewn about the sea bed like a vast, alien city, the coral reef glistened under the veporligh's crimson light, jagged, beautifully colored formations waiting for falcon wing to dive into them and dash itself and its passengers

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Unknown Waters

Adrian understood the hint and dove down to the sea bed. the otter family had a small business in pearl diving, and they were quite successful.

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"i think that ship has sailed, sunk and hit the sea bed, that's why." "radek!" karel waved an arm. then again. "hey!" the groggiest otter in all of vodaskal narrowed his eyes, grinning as he caught sight of us. "hey!" "you good?"

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The Elder God

I spent years walking the sea bed off the coast back home. i didn't learn a thing from it, but i put more footsteps in the sand than i'd care to remember." i laughed, "i never did find any sunken treasure though."

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Book One of Rabbits Part 6 of 29, "Down to my bones."

Lightning dances along his completeness as his microbial drone swarm lifts him from the sea bed.

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