"Oh man, it's already going to be three in the morning." Victor told himself as he rubbed his eyes "I should go to bed soon." He closed his eyes as he yawned but when he opened them he swore that he saw something out of the corner of his eye...
Moonlight shines through windows barred, into shadow darkened room. Illuminating all my scars, and brightening the gloom. Demon's claws rake across my skin. They all try and break me, with a taunting grin. I try and hold them off, but I know I...
Darting, running, screaming, crying Breathing rapidly Mouth feeling so dry Sweating, cursing, staring Turning away Trying hard not to look Freaking, tearing, breaking Not thinking Just fearing Copy-written to Xander Bradeshaw
Ami typically didn't mind the waiting, but these last 10 hours, 24 minutes, 39 seconds, and 22 milliseconds had been insufferable. She sat in the cockpit, silently cursing the human-made cargo ship she was piloting, wishing she had remembered to...
What are you afraid of? What are you scared of? What do you wish never to happen? What do you wish did not happen? Fear of being not enough, Fear of being left out, Fear of being too much, Fear of being not ready? It feels like it's coarse and...
Fear The prisoner came too to find himself naked and chained to a sturdy wooden chair which was bolted to the floor. The room he was in was small, about twelve by twelve he guessed. The floor was cement. The walls were black. A single bright light...
You are afraid, in pain, doubting yourself to the very core of your being, often thinking about ending it all, the only reason you stayed, allowed yourself to be tormented was because of your family, the ones depending on you. I can feel it radiation...
A fear inside
The whisper of light comeing throgh the dark mind. A world away but so close in time. I walk blindly on this road deep inside. I fall over past memorys throwing me off and down in so many ways. I fell so detached from my reality. yet i fell so alive...
Shadows of Fear
Chapter One I yawned padding from my office on Earthport Station and made my way to the transporter before perking my ears as a strange feeling... I felt... fear, unreasoning, unthinking, animialistic fear. Then it was gone and was to be replaced by a...
Fear - Revisited
Alone, she wanders, a shadow lingers Paranoid, she stumbles, immersed in gloom Thick is the night, as phantoms lunge Stolen is her breath, stifling a scream Fruitless are her efforts, frozen in time Her soul, once pure... Consumed
Unthinkable Fear
I woke up with a sharp pain racing through my head. _Did I hit my head against something night?_ I rolled over onto my belly and stretched my arms out. I whined softly as I reached one of my paws up and pressed it gently up against the source of the...
A Child's Fears
Mother, there's a monster hiding underneath my bed: The tentacles snake up to try and grab my head. Claws with nasty edges scratch across the wooden floor - The grating sound signifies his intent to gore How can I sleep knowing I might not make it...